The interesting thing is that when I left the petrol station I went round the corner and low and behold there was a fantastic view. So good was the view that I actually decided it was worth stopping and taking a photo of it:
I then noticed that there was a big sign, so I thought I would get a picture of the bike next to it:
Then I actually read the sign, and what an interesting sign it was. Basically it says that white man came along, decided he wanted the land (even though indigenous folk had been living there for eons) and took it via a 'battle'. It does say that the sign is there to remember both the 'ancient people' and the 'pioneer founders'. Now, excuse me for being facetious, but how can they be 'pioneer founders' of the town when it had been there for god knows how long before they even arrived, before they were even born?!?! It then led me to ponder for most of the ride between Port Orford and Gold Beach as to how American history is dilluted with absolute crap, and this is just a micro example. No wonder it's such a mess of a country!! I suppose alot of them don't believe in evolution either so it's a real no hoper.
On a completely different and non-ranting subject, I got to Gold Beach, which seems a very nice place, had a delicious meal, and then decided to give the beard a trim. Now seeing as I have never trimmed a beard before it was all very new to me. However, not every new experience is a good one. After a bit of cutting here and a bit of cutting there I got so annoyed with it I shaved the whole thing off. It would also have been so much more satisfying if it hadn't taken half an hour to shave the damn thing off! By the time I finished the whole blue strip had gone on the new razor I was using! There was a short moment where I thought about going 'Amish' as that is what it looked like, but even my amusement at that couldn't prevent me shaving the rest off, laboriuosly.
56.52 miles on the speedo and weather permitting I should hit California tomorrow. Not a bad day all in all.
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