Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 11. Bandon

Today was a fairly uneventful riide - I left Florence having had a relaxing rest day of laundry and bike shops.. or bike and guitar shops as they appear to be in these parts.

Todays destination was due to be Coos Bay, a further 50 miles down the coast along the 101. It occured to me that I need to stop messing around and actually get a move on in terms of the daily distances. With the evenings drawing in realistically I don't want to be on the road after 5pm. Although I wasn't up and out partiicularly early today - I think I left Florence at about 9.45 - I made better time than on any other day so far. The road was pretty good most of the way, and there weren't too many hills to get over. The best part of all is I didn't get wet!! So when I reached Coos Bay just before 3pm I thought I may as well push on to Bandon, which was about 22 miles further down the coast.

I reached Bandon just as it was getting dark, and racked up 75.10 miles on the speedo. One thing I have realised is that sticking to the 101 makes the days completely non eventful. I also think that breathing in all the fumes from the trucks and cars whizzing by cannot be particularly good for me so when I hit California I think I may deviate a little from the main road and hug the coastal roads a bit more.

Still, pretty chuffed I racked up 75 miles today. The most in one day so far and had the darkness not stopped me I could have gone on a while. Hopefully tomorrow I can get my lazy arse out of bed a bit earlier and make it a bit further!

Another slightly boring shot of the Pacific - somewhere between Reedsport and Coos bay

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